Risks of Obstruction of Justice in South Carolina

Facing the possibility of being involved in a civil or criminal investigation can be daunting, and it’s natural to feel frightened. However, it’s crucial to understand that any actions perceived as intentionally interfering with an investigation could lead to charges of obstruction of justice. This is a serious crime both under federal and South Carolina law, and requires immediate legal expertise if you are charged.

Understanding Obstruction of Justice

Obstruction of justice encompasses a range of actions intended to impede legal and judicial processes. This can include lying to law enforcement, destroying or altering evidence, witness tampering, or bribing a juror. Importantly, obstruction is a crime of intent. Even if the interference attempt fails, the intent to obstruct can lead to charges.

How to Avoid Obstruction Charges

Having legal representation from the start of an investigation is vital. A lawyer can manage all communications with law enforcement, oversee the production of documents, and advise on communications, including social media and conversations with others, to prevent actions that could be construed as obstruction.

Dealing with Accusations

If accused, the defense strategy will depend on the specific circumstances. The prosecution must prove intent to impede justice, often relying on circumstantial evidence. A skilled attorney can counter this by offering alternative interpretations of the defendant’s actions and motivations.

Legal Representation is Crucial

Given the seriousness of obstruction of justice charges, anyone facing such allegations must seek the counsel of an experienced attorney. A qualified lawyer can guide you from the investigation’s onset to the resolution of any charges.

Misconceptions and Risks

It’s a common misconception that contacting a congressman or other elected officials can influence criminal proceedings. This is not only ineffective but can also lead to additional legal troubles, including possible charges of obstruction of justice for those officials.

Tampering with Evidence

Tampering with or destroying evidence is a separate crime in South Carolina, with potential charges including obstruction of justice, accessory after the fact, or misprision of a felony. This includes acts like destroying, altering, or concealing evidence, or intimidating witnesses.

Post-Conviction Evidence Destruction

South Carolina law also addresses the destruction of evidence post-conviction, particularly biological evidence in serious offenses. Willful and malicious destruction of such evidence can lead to misdemeanor charges.

If you’re facing or at risk of an obstruction charge, consulting an experienced criminal defense attorney is essential. Attempting to navigate these charges without legal guidance can have serious repercussions. An experienced attorney can provide the necessary counsel and defense strategy tailored to your specific case.